Authenticating Trading Cards with Advanced Technology


The trading card industry is a multi-billion dollar market, with collectors and enthusiasts constantly searching for unique, authentic, and valuable cards. However, the authenticity of some cards can be difficult to verify, leading to issues of fraud and counterfeiting. A solution for trading cards is using a combination of advanced hardware and software technologies, including high-resolution scanners, AR technology, image recognition, blockchain, and database management. This solution not only ensures the authenticity and value of cards but also increase the revenue for the company. This process includes a full scan of the memorabilia material, defining its location, time and place in a database with photo, gridding the memorabilia material with AR, determining the placement of the memorabilia with the card design, determining the thickness of the card and packaging, taking a picture of the finished product artwork and storing it in a database, and generating a thread blockchain for each card and box for added security and transparency. This ensures the highest quality and authenticity of cards, resulting in higher prices for collectors, and a more secure, transparent, and valuable option for trading cards.

Several benefits for both the company and the customers.

Firstly, the use of high-resolution scanners and AR technology allows for accurate and detailed images of the memorabilia material to be captured and stored in a database. This ensures that the authenticity and value of the cards can be verified and tracked, providing added security and transparency for customers.

Secondly, the use of image recognition software and manual data entry allows for detailed information about the memorabilia material to be gathered and stored, providing valuable historical context and provenance for the card.

Thirdly, the use of AR technology and card design software allows for the strategic placement of the memorabilia material on the card design, resulting in visually striking and valuable cards.

Fourthly, the use of quality control software and industry standards ensures that the finished product is of the highest quality and meets industry standards, providing added value for customers.

Lastly, the use of blockchain technology for assigning unique identification numbers for each card and box ensures that the authenticity and ownership of the cards can be verified and tracked, providing added security and transparency for customers.

Cost benefits

First, the use of high-resolution scanners and AR technology allows for more accurate and detailed images of the memorabilia material to be captured, reducing the need for costly manual labor and increasing the authenticity and value of the cards.

Second, the use of image recognition software and manual data entry allows for detailed information about the memorabilia material to be gathered and stored, reducing the need for costly research and historical analysis.

Thirdly, the use of AR technology and card design software allows for the strategic placement of the memorabilia material on the card design, resulting in visually striking and valuable cards, which can command a higher price, and thus increase the revenue for the company.

Fourthly, the use of quality control software and industry standards ensures that the finished product is of the highest quality and meets industry standards, reducing the risk of costly customer complaints or returns.

Lastly, the use of blockchain technology for assigning unique identification numbers for each card and box ensures that the authenticity and ownership of the cards can be verified and tracked, providing added security and transparency for customers and reducing the risk of fraud and counterfeiting.

Overall, our solution offers a more cost-effective, secure, transparent, and valuable option for trading cards, providing cost benefits for the company


Process and Steps statement

  1. Full scan of the memorabilia material (jersey, shoe, bat): In this step, we use high-resolution scanners with a minimum resolution of 600 dpi (dots per inch) to capture detailed images of the memorabilia material. The scanners should have the ability to handle different types of materials such as fabric, leather, and wood. The images are then stored in a database using a software that allows for easy organization and retrieval of the images.
  2. Defining the location, time and place of the memorabilia material in a database with photo: We use a combination of manual data entry and image recognition software to gather and store information about the memorabilia material, including its origin, when and where it was obtained, and any relevant historical context. This information is stored in a database and linked to the images of the memorabilia material for future reference.
  3. Gridding the memorabilia material to a portion of the relic to be cut to insert in the trading card with AR: Using AR technology, we carefully select the most visually striking and valuable portions of the memorabilia material. The AR software should have the ability to detect and track the memorabilia material, extract the most interesting features, and overlay a grid on top of the image to guide the cutting process.
  4. Determining the placement of the memorabilia with the card design: In this step, we use the digital data of the memorabilia material and the card design to ensure the perfect alignment and integration of the two using a software that allows for easy manipulation of images and graphics. The software should have the ability to import and export different file formats, and have a user-friendly interface.
  5. Determining the thickness of the card and packaging: We use industry standards and our own quality control procedures to determine the appropriate thickness and packaging of the card. The quality control software should be able to check for different parameters such as card dimensions, weight, and surface finish.
  6. Taking a picture of the finished product artwork with the memorabilia material and store it in a database: This step involves capturing a final image of the completed card, with the memorabilia material in place, using a high-resolution camera with a minimum resolution of 12 megapixels. The images are then stored in a database using a software that allows for easy organization and retrieval of the images.
  7. Generating a thread blockchain: To increase security and transparency, each card will be assigned a unique blockchain identification number using a blockchain software that allows for easy creation and management of identification numbers. The software should have the ability to create and assign unique identification numbers, and link them to the corresponding card and box.

There are many different programs and platforms available for AR, blockchain, database management and image recognition. Here are a few examples for each category:

AR (Augmented Reality)

  • Vuforia: A popular AR development platform that allows for image and object recognition, as well as 3D object tracking and overlay.
  • ARKit and ARCore: AR development platforms from Apple and Google respectively that allows for the development of AR apps for iOS and Android devices.


  • Ethereum: A popular open-source blockchain platform that allows for the creation and management of smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps).
  • Hyperledger Fabric: An open-source blockchain platform for enterprise use cases, focused on performance, scalability, and security.
  • EOSIO: A open source blockchain protocol designed for high-performance and high-throughput use cases.


  • MongoDB: A popular NoSQL database that uses a document-oriented data model, allowing for flexible and scalable data management.
  • MySQL: A popular open-source relational database management system that uses SQL as its primary query language.
  • Firebase Realtime Database: A cloud-based NoSQL database that allows for real-time data synchronization and easy integration with mobile and web apps.

Image Recognition

  • OpenCV: An open-source computer vision library that includes a wide range of image processing and analysis tools, including image recognition.
  • TensorFlow: An open-source machine learning framework that includes a library for image recognition and other computer vision tasks.
  • AWS Rekognition: Amazon's cloud-based image and video recognition service that can detect objects, scenes, and activities within images and videos.

using a combination of hardware and software technologies offers several cost benefits for the company.


Revenue Income

The subscription plan includes two versions: a Pro version and a Lite version. The Pro version is targeted towards grading companies and provides detailed information about the card, including when and where it was designed, manufactured, packaged, and its provenance. This information is gathered through a combination of high-resolution scanners, AR technology, image recognition, blockchain, and database management. The Pro version allows grading companies to verify the authenticity and value of cards more effectively and provide more detailed grading reports to collectors.

The Lite version ( free) is targeted towards individual collectors and provides basic information about the card's authenticity and provenance. This version is less comprehensive than the Pro version but still provides valuable information about the card's history and origin, allowing collectors to make more informed purchasing decisions.

 This subscription-based model is an innovative way to generate revenue while providing valuable services to customers.